Middle Age Mike Journeys Down to Wall Street to be Heard
On the same day in which a Wall Street financier goes public in the New York Times dismissing the Wall Street "Occupants" as simply unemployed kids looking for sex drugs and rock and roll, Zuccotti Park was teeming with Baby Boomers, getting the word out with a vast array of signs and plenty of "hoarse power," maintaining momentum for a protest with no cause that has seeming gone viral. It's global now, and apparently can't be dismissed. Where it leads, no one knows, but there is seemingly limitless human energy behind it.
There is love and good will and altruism everywhere one turns at the Park. Locals are having a tough time dealing with 12 hours of daily drumming, bathroom issues, bathing in sinks and other symptoms of overpopulation. But the Occupation continues. Young and old, black and white, male and female. Can it be ignored?
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